
    After finishing his BA degree in Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Scien­ce at Tec­no­lo­gi­co de Mon­te­rrey in the year 2000, Mexi­can film­ma­ker Jor­ge Loren­zo got invol­ved in the local Mon­te­rrey audio­vi­sual pro­duc­tion sce­ne for a few years. In 2004 he got a Ful­bright scho­larship to study an MFA degree in Expe­ri­men­tal Film and Video at the San Fran­cis­co Art Ins­ti­tu­te in Cali­for­nia whe­re he lived for three years absor­bing the legacy and tra­di­tion of expe­ri­men­tal cine­ma the area has deve­lo­ped throughout seve­ral deca­des.

    Loren­zo works on solely indi­vi­dual and per­so­nal film pro­jects nowa­days and although he is still acti­ve in the field of video and digi­tal tech­no­logy, his fond­ness for the use of cellu­loid is evi­dent not becau­se of the ima­ge it pro­du­ces but becau­se of the format’s phy­si­cal, mate­rial, and for­mal cha­rac­te­ris­tics. Thus, through seve­ral expe­ri­men­tal tech­ni­ques like came­ra­less film and appro­pria­tion methods, Lorenzo’s sly obser­va­tions of film’s con­cep­tual natu­re ques­tion, not only con­tem­po­rary moving ima­ge tech­no­logy in gene­ral, but our very exis­ten­ce and pla­ce in society as well.
    Lorenzo’s films have been scree­ned at impor­tant expe­ri­men­tal cine­ma venues such as the Ber­lin Inter­na­tio­nal Film Fes­ti­val (Ber­li­na­le), the Ima­ges Fes­ti­val in Toron­to, and the Expe­ri­ments in Cine­ma fes­ti­val in Albu­quer­que, among others. His pie­ce 1/48” (2008) –which merely lasts one sin­gle fra­me out of the usual twenty four we see every second– cap­tu­red the atten­tion of some mem­bers of the inter­na­tio­nal expe­ri­men­tal cine­ma com­mu­nity like Ale­xan­der Hor­wath, Direc­tor of the Aus­tria Film­mu­seum in Vien­na, who has quo­ted it on seve­ral occa­sions “…the most sub­ver­si­ve film of all times,” inclu­ding an arti­cle published in the renow­ned film maga­zi­ne Cahiers du Ciné­ma.
    Crea­ti­ve endea­vors apart, Jor­ge Loren­zo tra­vels to and fro bet­ween Mexi­co and Colom­bia whe­re he tea­ches film and video-rela­ted cour­ses at Tec­no­lo­gi­co de Mon­te­rrey and Black Maria Film School Bogo­ta respectively.